International Biophilia Rehabilitation Academy 

Information of the Journal "BIOPHILIA"
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BIOPHILIA Editorial Policies

In revision March 29, 2015

BIOPHILIA general policies and procedures can be read in the folder “About us” on this web;

To responsibly evaluate and disseminate scientific research findings on the development of the rehabilitation medicine which contributes to the functional brain improvement. We publish articles to bring about restructuring of the rehabilitation medicine in order to sustain society and social security.

Purpose of our journal:
i) Dissemination of the knowledge on the need to establish a new civilization which would not see the increasing number of the elderly is a negative factor in the restructuring of rehabilitation medicine and introducing the Biophilia rehabilitation
ii) Publishing of educational and research papers
iii) Sharing the latest tendencies and discoveries in the related fields of science
iv) Publishing various matters processed at the International Biophilia Rehabilitation Academy (IBRA)
v) Recording events connected with the development of the Biophilia Rehabilitation Academy

Purpose and Scope:
Priority areas:
Various social problems in aging societies are today’s global issues. Aging proceeds globally in the world while Japan is expected to become a super-aged society in the unprecedented short term. An increase in the elderly population, including the disabled, demands the expansion of social security-related expenditures, which confers an unbearable burden to the following generation. The “Aging Crises” would give rise to the collapse of the social system. We are here to emphasize the importance of the integration of the elderly population toward the productive society and in the reform of the life cycle that is currently refined by education, labor, and retirement. In order to establish a sustainable society, in which the elderly can be independent, we need to explore the occupations that are suitable for the elderly and reduce social security-related expenditures. In our research scheme, we conjugated the related research fields including medical science, engineering, and social science in order to integrate the various aspects of a complex aged society. Restructuring of the Rehabilitation Medicine is indispensable. BIOPHILIA welcomes effective articles towards this realization and accepts international submissions
You can find the BIOPHILIA Manuscript Submission Guidelines for Submitting Manuscripts and Instructions for Preparing Manuscripts on following ours;
Submissions to BIOPHILIA are initially reviewed for completeness before the review process is initiated. We require all components, as spelled out in the BIOPHILIA Submission Guidelines (also available online through our Web site and Manuscript Central), to be submitted. Incomplete submissions will be withdrawn by the Editorial Office, and authors will be instructed to complete their submissions. Prior to electronic submission, our international authors may want to have a native check and/or to contact a professional translating company that specializes in editing scientific documents.

Authors and authorship:
BIOPHILIA limits the number of authors on any submitted manuscript to ten. BIOPHILIA is designed to collect the names of ten authors on a paper for metadata purposes only.
Specifically, authorship credit should be based only on (1) substantially contributing to study conception and design, acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data; (2) drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content; and (3) providing final approval of the version to be published.
All three conditions must be met. Acquiring funding, collecting data, or supervising the research group do not justify authorship.? Ghost authorship occurs when someone makes a significant contribution to a manuscript without a due acknowledgment of his role. Guest authorship, in contrast, occurs when an individual is named as an author of a manuscript when they do not meet authorship criteria. Both are disturbingly common. Ghost and guest authorship are breaches of professional ethics. They violate readers f trust in scientific reporting and have the potential to distort medical literature. Articles found to have ghost or guest authors will be retracted by BIOPHILIA.
Therefore, after a manuscript has been accepted, every author listed on the submission will be required to have his or her contribution listed in the Acknowledgments section at the end of the article. Others who have contributed to the work but who do not meet the guidelines for authorship should be thanked in the Acknowledgments section.

The plagiarism is a misuse of creative expression from others in the forms of ideas, words, photographs, and graphical renditions. Stated simply, plagiarism is when one person uses material(s) that are not their original work without documentation (accurately citing the source, using quotation marks if necessary, and obtaining appropriate permissions). Plagiarism includes copying or paraphrasing text from others or self-work (self-plagiarism), copying equations or graphical renditions not commonly known, using previously published data, and using copied or altered photographs. Plagiarism is a violation of copyright law and is punishable by law.
Moreover, since BIOPHILIA is the latest journal in the world to restructure the rehabilitation medicine, it is never allowed.
Material published by BIOPHILIA is assumed by all parties to be original unless a proper citation is used. To protect the integrity of the scientific record, any material that has appeared in print or online must contain the proper citation to the original work. Plagiarism Detection Software In 2015, BIOPHILIA began screening all conditionally accepted papers with "Anti-Plagiarism" online plagiarism-detection software.
Authors will be contacted if any issues arise during this process. Any plagiarism or self-plagiarism will be detected, and authors will be required to submit revisions.
We recommend that authors analyze their own work with plagiarism-detection software before submission. In addition, most universities and institutions have plagiarism-detection software available. In case of self-plagiarism, authors will be given 14 days to submit revisions and must substantially revise the previously published text. We have found that most instances of self-plagiarism involve the Introduction or Methods sections.
We offer the following suggestions in these instances:
(1) Remove the duplicate text and add a properly cited statement such as ”This study has been described in detail elsewhere.”;
(2) Enclose duplicate text in quotation marks, again with proper citation;
(3) Paraphrase text with an appropriate citation, or
(4) Create a properly cited Appendix containing the duplicate material to be included in online publication only.
If the plagiarism comes to light and is presented to the Editor before publication, the Editor will conduct a preliminary investigation to ascertain whether the allegations have merit. The Editor will contact the authors and present the plagiarism evidence as well as inform the Department Chair, Dean, or direct supervisor of the authors and the funding agency. The manuscript will be rejected without further consideration and the authors will be sent a copy of the BIOPHILIA Editorial Policies. The authors will be asked to write a formal letter of apology to the plagiarized authors with a carbon copy to the Editor. The authors will have an annotation to their Manuscript Central file indicating this offense as well as a copy of the apology letter.

Conflict of Interest:
BIOPHILIA has a primary responsibility to its stakeholders to provide unbiased scientific results and analyzes, with a transparent reporting of competing financial interests or other interests. We require all authors to declare any competing financial or other interests in relation to the work described within the context of the submission. Competing interests can be of two major types and must be reported by all authors:
Direct and personal, such as equity, stock ownership, consulting, research support and funding, and personal patents (applied, in-process, or awarded).
Indirect, such as employment by an agency that may gain or lose financially; management or advisory affiliations, or consulting (all within the last 2 years); and corporate patents (applied, in-process, or awarded).
All authors must complete the BIOPHILIA Form for Disclosure of Conflicts to submit a manuscript to BIOPHILIA. The form is also available from the BIOPHILIA Website. If the BIOPHILIA Form for A Disclosure of Conflicts form is not received, the submission will not be processed.

Author List
The author list must fill the necessary information on the WEB.

Authors’ Statement of Originality:
Statement of Originality Material submitted to BIOPHILIA must be original and not published or submitted elsewhere. All authors are deemed to be individually and collectively responsible for submissions to BIOPHILIA and are required to forward to the BIOPHILIA Editorial Office the BIOPHILIA Authors Statement of Originality form signed by all authors (this form is available online from the BIOPHILIA Web site and Manuscript Central under the Instructions and Forms tab; the Manuscript Central ID number must be listed on the form). By submitting this form with the manuscript, the corresponding author accepts the responsibility that all authors have agreed to be listed as contributors and have seen and approved the manuscript and its content prior to submission.
An Authors’ Statement of Originality form would be submissions containing material that has previously formed all or part of a doctoral or other academic thesis and that has been published according to the guidelines of the institution granting the degree, as long as the material is not in part or in total a compilation of previously published material from other journals or scientific publications.
If the paper has more than six authors, a new form must be submitted with all the information filled out again for every author.
Authors’ Statement of Originality form

The form is a fillable PDF that must be emailed (takizawa@ or faxed (81‐466‐90 - 4552) to the BIOPHILIA Editorial Office.

Copyright Transfer
The author(s) hereby agrees to transfer to the International Biophilia Rehabilitation Academy, the copyrights of the paper, title specified above, when it is published in The Biophilia Journal shall have the right to publish the paper in any medium of form, or by any means now known or later developed.
The author(s) reserve(s) the following:
(1) All proprietary rights other than copyright such as patent rights.
(2) The right to use all or part of the manuscript in personal future works such as books and lectures.
A Copyright Transfer form is not received, the submission will not be processed.
The form is an Excel file that must be emailed (takizawa@ or faxed (81‐466‐90 - 4552) to the BIOPHILIA Editorial Office.

Clinical Trial Registration:
BIOPHILIA requires the registration in a public trials registry of all trials that meet the minimum registration data set requirement as described by the ICMJE as a condition for publication. A clinical trial is any study that prospectively assigns human subjects to intervention or comparison groups to evaluate the cause-and-effect relationship between a medical intervention and a health outcome. For more information, please refer to the ICMJE Web site. Please note: If clinical trial registration is required but has not been completed, authors will not be allowed to continue uploading their submission into Access attestation. Trials should be registered in one of the following trial registries: USA Clinical Trials, Australian and New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry, Nederlands Trial Register, UMIN Clinical Trials Registry.
BIOPHILIA requires authors to document institutional review board procedures on human subjects and animals. In addition, if the manuscript involved human study participants, authors will be asked to provide a statement indicating whether or not the human study participants will be informed about the accepted publication.

Privacy Policy:
The International Biophilia Rehabilitation Academy (IBRA, hereafter) asks for the individual information including a coauthor in connection with manuscript contribution because it is important for scientific development and justification reservation. However we are striving for maintenance of accuracy and safety about the proper use, offer, and management in view of the importance of the individual information protection. IBRA publicizes this privacy policy to a member and carries it out certainly.

Approval from the Ethics Committee to perform the study, as the first sentence in the Methods, and the conflict of interest statement after the main body of text, second to Acknowledgments are a must. Without these statements, the articles will not be considered.

Start for Your Submission
Submission to this journal proceeds totally online and you will be guided stepwise through the creation and uploading of your files.
Please note that online-only materials should be provided in the same format.
Guidelines for Submitting Manuscripts
Notice of the BIOPHILIA

To Contribute Your Manuscript
If you would like to contribute your manuscript, you need to register being a member of the International Biophilia Rehabilitation Academy.
In addition, everyone who registered ID and password even as a coauthor becomes automatically a free and affiliated member of IBRA.


After created your ID and password, Please submit your article via